
File Shredder

File Shredder provides you a easier way to wipe unwanted files, much convenient than using custom item.  When a file is deleted, Windows just puts a "deleted" mark on the head of this file, you cannot see it but the data of this file is still on the disk, others may recover it by using some recovery software. Tracks Eraser File Shredder overwrites the on-disk data of file with blank characters(hex00) a set number of time. this destroys file permanently and defeats all the recovery software. 

Two ways to add files to the Shred List

  • Click the Browse button to select a file or files to the Shred List

  • Drag file or files from Windows Explorer and drop them into the upper pane of File Shredder

Note: Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select more than one file.


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